Volunteer Opportunities

Thank you for volunteering your time and energy to Cell Phones For Soldiers. Here you’ll find the essential cargo, tools you need, to provide lifelines for America’s bravest—whether you want to establish a drop-off site or start a drive to collect smart phones, tablets and mp3 players.

Student Ambassador

Students, teachers and parents can all participate in the ambassador program!

Workplace Giving

Start a cell-phone drive or setup a drop-off location.

Resource Center

Find all the tools you need for a successful volunteer effort here!

Workplace Giving

1. Become a Drop-Off Site

There are no costs to sign up. As an official Cell Phones For Soldiers drop-off site, your location will be listed on the charity’s public ZIP code locator page. Donors in your community will then be able to come to your location during normal business hours and drop off their cell phones for donation. Marketing material, including fliers, box label art to decorate collection bins, and much more are available here to help promote your location as an official Cell Phones For Soldiers drop off site.

2. Start a Drive

There are many ways to create excitement in a temporary cell phone drive. Print out posters, fliers and banners from our Volunteer Resources page and display around your workplace. Spread the word about the collection drive through email, social media and/or company newsletter. Encourage employees to bring old phones from home. All donations are tax-deductible.

How to Get Started

Managers, owners, and employees can sign up by clicking below and filling out the designated form. Resources to promote your support to Cell Phones For Soldiers are available online through the Volunteer Resources page. A welcome kit will be emailed directly to you with a week once registered.

Student Ambassador Program

1. Talent Show

Showcase the talent of fellow students and faculty members by hosting a talent show. Encourage individual or team participation and sell tickets for students, family and friends to watch.

2. Bake Sale

Parents, students and staff can bring baked goods for a one-day sale. All of the proceeds will go towards calling cards for our troops abroad to call home!

3. Earth Day

Encourage students and staff to bring in their old phones from home for a charity drive. Optional: make collecting phones fun and have classes compete to see who can collect the most phones. Winning class gets a pizza day!

4. Pancake Day

Sell tickets for a delicious breakfast to students. Offer food and refreshments for a set price. Students can also incorporate a ‘Card Decorating Station’ and have students design and decorate their own cards to send to the brave troops serving overseas. 

What Students Get In Return

The Student Ambassador Program is a great opportunity for students to help keep troops and veterans stay connected to their loved ones. Students can get creative, sharing ideas for raising funds and collecting phones. The program also gives students a chance to take on leadership roles while offering a helping hand to those who serve our country. Click here to get started!

Find More Ways To Support Our Troops

Donate Phone

Cell Phones For Soldiers accepts any and all types of cell phones from any carrier to support our military members. Learn more about how to get started by clicking below.

Become a Donor

Provide a one time donation or donate monthly to help military members stay connected. Any donations are greatly appreciated. Learn more about how to get started by clicking below.

Amazon Smile

Amazon donates to your favorite charitable organization when shopping at smile.amazon.com. Select Cell Phones For Soldiers to start donating today!

Self-Paid Label

Thank you for taking the extra step to cover shipping costs for your donated devices! Not only is your device donation tax-deductible, so are the shipping costs. 

Simply click and print this preaddressed label and follow the shipping instructions below:

1. Count the number of donated phones for your records.

2. Place the phones flat across the bottom of the box and layer them with newspaper or bubblewrap to avoid damage.

3. Keep batteries attached to phones. If there is no battery, place tape over terminal ends.

4. Due to federal shipping regulations, you must print a battery warning label for each package. Click here to print. Affix one label to the outside of each box. 

5. You must affix (USPS) or a prepay waybill (UPS, FedEx, DHL) in order for your package to reach us.

5. You will not receive an e-mail confirmation when your package arrives. Click here to print a donation receipt.